Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chaos and Creation

Amidst all the chaos of life, I have managed to complete my sixth canvas. I am giving myself a pat for the circumstances under which this one was done. It took a good two weeks to complete.
While working on this canvas I understood how our body can sometimes control our entire well being, and pushing it only makes things worse. Also how the loss of someone you know can completely throw you of your positive frame of mind! It is difficult holding on to being positive and making positive that all that life throws your way! Hello! I said difficult but not impossible…..
Yes, I am low on energy and could not produce as many canvases as I would have liked to, however I have now, got clarity, a sense of direction for the exhibition. I am trying to get more organized, and if you know me personally or if you know any artist for that matter you must know, that is a tough job on its own!
This quality time spent with family has definitely been a bonus! That automatically puts you in a great frame of mind….plus I have had my little muses literally dictating what colors to put on the canvas. The older one thinks she is a qualified critic and even gives her honest opinion on my creations. In all it has been a very interesting experience painting my Krishna! Yes that is the painting I just got done….for images please stay tuned!!!!

1 comment:

Kaybeemm said...

Life is all about ups & downs, that is Maya. You got to take the not so pleasant & the pleasant & keep moving on. Remaining unattached to all of life's ups & downs & yet moving on transcending Maya is Enlightenment.